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Creating Dandisets and Uploading Data

This page provides instructions for creating a new Dandiset and uploading data to DANDI.


  1. Convert data to NWB. You should start by converting your data to NWB format (2.1+). We suggest beginning the conversion process using only a small amount of data so that common issues may be spotted earlier in the process. This step can be complex depending on your data. Consider using the following tools:

    1. NWB Graphical User Interface for Data Entry (GUIDE) is a cross-platform desktop application for converting data from common proprietary formats to NWB and uploading it to DANDI.
    2. NeuroConv is a Python library that automates conversion to NWB from a variety of popular formats. See the Conversion Gallery for example conversion scripts.
    3. PyNWB and MatNWB are APIs in Python and MATLAB that allow full flexibility in reading and writing data. (PyNWB tutorials, MatNWB tutorials)
    4. NWB Overview Docs points to more tools helpful for working with NWB files.

    Feel free to reach out to us for help.

  2. Choose a server.

    • Production server: This is the main server for DANDI and should be used for sharing neuroscience data. When you create a Dandiset, a permanent ID is automatically assigned to it. This Dandiset can be fully public or embargoed according to NIH policy. All data are uploaded as draft and can be adjusted before publishing on the production server.
    • Development server: This server is for testing and learning how to use DANDI. It is not recommended for sharing data, but is recommended for testing the DANDI CLI and GUI or as a testing platform for developers. Note that the development server should not be used to stage your data.

    The below instructions will alert you to where the commands for interacting with these two different servers differ slightly.

  3. Register for DANDI and copy the API key. To create a new Dandiset and upload your data, you need to have a DANDI account.

Data upload/management workflow

The NWB GUIDE provides a graphical interface for inspecting and validating NWB files, as well as for uploading data to DANDI. See the NWB GUIDE Dataset Publication Tutorial for more information.

The below instructions show how to do the same thing programmatically using the command line interface (CLI). The CLI approach may be more suitable for users who are comfortable with the command line or who need to automate the process, or for advanced use-cases.

  1. Create a new Dandiset.
    • Click NEW DANDISET in the Web application (top right corner) after logging in.
    • You will be asked to enter basic metadata: a name (title) and description (abstract) for your dataset.
    • After you provide a name and description, the dataset identifier will be created; we will call this <dataset_id>.
  2. Check your files for NWB Best Practices. Run NWB Inspector programmatically. Install the Python library (pip install -U nwbinspector) and run:

    nwbinspector <source_folder> --config dandi

    If the report is too large to efficiently navigate in your console, you can save a report using

    nwbinspector <source_folder> --config dandi --report-file-path <report_location>.txt

    For more details and other options, run:

    nwbinspector --help

    Thoroughly read the NWBInspector report and try to address as many issues as possible. DANDI will prevent validation and upload of any issues labeled as level 'CRITICAL' or above when using the --config dandi option. See "Validation Levels for NWB Files" for more information about validation criteria for uploading NWB files and which are deemed critical. We recommend regularly running the inspector early in the process to generate the best NWB files possible. Note that some auto-detected violations, such as check_data_orientation, may be safely ignored in the event that the data is confirmed to be in the correct form. See the NWBInspector CLI documentation for more information.

  3. Install the DANDI Client.

    pip install -U dandi
  4. Validate NWB files. Perform a validation of the NWB files by running:

    dandi validate --ignore DANDI.NO_DANDISET_FOUND <source_folder>

    If you are having trouble with validation, make sure the conversions were run with the most recent version of dandi, PyNWB and MatNWB.

  5. Upload the data to DANDI. This can either be done through the NWB GUIDE, or programmatically:

    dandi download<dataset_id>/draft
    cd <dataset_id>
    dandi organize <source_folder> -f dry
    dandi organize <source_folder>
    dandi validate .
    dandi upload

    Note that the organize steps should not be used if you are preparing a BIDS dataset with the NWB files. Uploading to the development server is controlled via -i option, e.g. dandi upload -i dandi-staging. Note that validation is also done during upload, but ensuring compliance using validate prior to upload helps avoid interruptions of the lengthier upload process due to validation failures. If you have an issue using the DANDI Client, see the DANDI Debugging section.

  6. Add metadata to the Dandiset. Visit your Dandiset landing page:<dataset_id>/draft and click on the METADATA link.

Storing Access Credentials

There are two options for storing your DANDI access credentials.

  1. DANDI_API_KEY Environment Variable

    • By default, the DANDI CLI looks for an API key in the DANDI_API_KEY environment variable. To set this on Linux or macOS, run:

      export DANDI_API_KEY=personal-key-value
    • Note that there are no spaces around the "=".

  2. keyring Library

    • If the DANDI_API_KEY environment variable is not set, the CLI will look up the API key using the keyring library, which supports numerous backends, including the system keyring, an encrypted keyfile, and a plaintext (unencrypted) keyfile.

    • Specifying the keyring backend

      • You can set the backend the keyring library uses either by setting the PYTHON_KEYRING_BACKEND environment variable or by filling in the keyring library's configuration file.

      • IDs for the available backends can be listed by running keyring --list.

      • If no backend is specified in this way, the library will use the available backend with the highest priority.

      • If the DANDI CLI encounters an error while attempting to fetch the API key from the default keyring backend, it will fall back to using an encrypted keyfile (the keyrings.alt.file.EncryptedKeyring backend). If the keyfile does not already exist, the CLI will ask you for confirmation; if you answer "yes," the keyring configuration file (if it does not already exist; see above) will be configured to use EncryptedKeyring as the default backend. If you answer "no," the CLI will exit with an error, and you must store the API key somewhere accessible to the CLI on your own.

        • Unless a different location is set via the keyring configuration file, the encrypted keyfile will be located at the following path:

          • On Linux and macOS, if the XDG_DATA_HOME environment variable is set to a nonempty string, the keyfile will be at $XDG_DATA_HOME/python_keyring/crypted_pass.cfg; otherwise, it will be at ~/.local/share/python_keyring/crypted_pass.cfg.

          • On Windows, if the LOCALAPPDATA environment variable is set, the keyfile will be at %LOCALAPPDATA%\Python Keyring\crypted_pass.cfg; otherwise, if the ProgramData environment variable is set, the keyfile will be at %ProgramData%\Python Keyring\crypted_pass.cfg; otherwise, it will be at Python Keyring\crypted_pass.cfg within the current directory.

    • Storing the API key with keyring

      1. You can store your API key where the keyring library can find it by using the keyring program: Run keyring set dandi-api-dandi key and enter the API key when asked for the password for key in dandi-api-dandi.

      2. If the API key isn't stored in either the DANDI_API_KEY environment variable or in the keyring, the CLI will prompt you to enter the API key, and then it will store it in the keyring. This may cause you to be prompted further; you may be asked to enter a password to encrypt/decrypt the keyring, or you may be asked by your operating system to confirm whether to give the DANDI CLI access to the keyring.